The AUPDFLDDBR command

The AUPDFLDDBR command allows you to generate database links at the field level. Once generated, the links can be displayed and used via the ARCAD Observer perspective in the ARCAD Client RCP or the plug-in in RDi.

The generation of the database links using the AUPDFLDDBR command proceeds as follows:

  1. The command links the fields of the different physical files using:
    • the references to the fields of the common reference file, or
    • the codification of the field name.
  2. The command searches for and memorizes the primary keys (or principal identifiers) in each file. These primary keys are taken from the first file that meets the following conditions:
    1. The physical file has a unique key.
    2. One of the non-joined logical files that depends on the physical file has a unique key.
    3. The physical file has a specified key.
    4. One of the non-joined logical files that depends on the physical file has a specified key.
  3. The command creates links between the fields of the two physical files if all the primary keys of one of the files are found in the other file.

The logical files are processed in alphabetical order. However, the numbers are processed before the letters.


The XXXXL1 and XXXXL2 files are processed before the XXXXLA and XXXXLB files.


The first time you run this command, the primary keys are memorized (accessible from the field repository) and you can modify them. Then, when you re-run the AUPDFLDDBR command, it will take into account the primary keys that you have modified.

The parameters available in the AUPDFLDDBR command are described below.

If a parameter has a default value, it is indicated in bold.

Summary of the AUPDFLDDBR options
Options Values
Application ID (APPID) *CURENV
Component display level (VERSLVL) *LASTPRD, *LAST, *CURENV
Replace or add record (OPTION) *ADD, *REPLACE
With the reference files (USEFLDREF) *YES, *NO
Use field naming (USEFLDNAME) *NO, *YES
Use repository constraints (USEREFCST) *YES, *NO
Use program analysis (USEPGMPRP) *NO, *YES
List of reference files (REFFILLIST) *APP, list-name = *LIBL, *CURLIB, library-name
List of physical files (PFFILLIST) *FLDDCT, list-name = *LIBL, *CURLIB, library-name
List of propagation monitoring (DRVFLDLIST) *CURENV, *LIBL, *CURLIB, library-name
Substitute the field names (FLDNAMRPL) up to 50 substitutes
Search words to be known (FLDNAMCOD) up to 20 words
Fields or codes to omit (FLDOMT) *NONE, field/code-name
% Fields without prefix/suffix (PRXSFX) percentage
With inter application links (USEAPPLNK) *USE, *ALL, *NONE